Monday, October 12, 2015

The Harem Girl and The Shiek

Good Morning to all!

I know this is usually a story.  I also know many, if not all, of you are using this for an update on Doug.  It has been a wild week.  I will keep this to an update and write more when I am home and my internet is working.  I am commandeering Doug's precious computer while he sleeps.  My hope is I can figure out how to charge the battery before he feels the need to turn it on again!

Doug was released from Nebraska Medical Center last Saturday afternoon.  On Sunday I was still concerned about him.  His nails were a pretty shade of blue.  After some sweet talking and threatening Doug and I set out to the ER in Manning, Iowa.  A small hospital closer to our home.

He was admitted again with pneumonia.  Four days and several super antibiotics later he was not better.  His breathing was more labored and he was very weak.  The decision to transfer back to Omaha to the Medical Center was made.

Here at the Medical Center we have a great team of doctors and nurses.  They come and go at all hours of the day and night.  Sleep is some what of a coveted asset.

They have drained the fluid out of his left lung.  This is also the lung where the cancer is living.  It improved his breathing almost right away.  He had also been having pains in his head.  Steroids were started again. 

He was starting to be confused and was getting weaker by the hour.  The steroids have turned him back into his anal self.  They have also given him some strength back.

Mayo Clinic is out of the picture now.  Doug is not strong enough to travel.  Well, everyone thinks that but Doug!  We will be doing the treatments here in Omaha at the Medical Center.  There is not a definate plan yet.  He still has a couple more days of antibodics.  They may put a tube in the lung to keep the fluid drained.  He is starting to sound like a seal again.  I think I will go purchase him a ball!

His main concern now is constipation.  Pain meds can cause this.  And all of you who know Doug realize that he is "full of shit" anyway.  His bowels are in Illias (?).  They think there is a trauma some where in the body and have shut down to put effort into fighting this imaginary trauma.  Steps are being taking to cleanse him.  He is to have nothing by mouth today.  Of course, now the steroids are making hungry-finally!

Once again I have had wonderful support.  My dear friend, Sharon, from San Digo put her life on hold and flew out here to be with me.  Nicole and Candace flew in last night.  I appreciate all the prayers, texts, and messasges.  They mean so much.  Thank you one and all.

Okay one story.  Doug has been going through "manopause."  He gets extremely hot and sweaty.  The nurses have pointed a small fan on his bed.  This has helped some what.  So...I, the harem girl, fan Doug, the sheik while he lounges in bed.  I suppose I should be grateful I am the only harem girls he has!

 “Ask and keep on asking and it will be given to you; seek and keep on seeking and you will find; knock and keep on knocking and the door will be opened to you.”
(Matthew 7:7, AMP)
Not Proverbs, but approrpiate


  1. Thanks for the update. Please give the sheik a giant hug from all the Dinkins girls. We're all pulling and praying for you both!!

  2. Angie,
    Thanks for the updates, and the humor... God bless you and keep your spirit up as well... I am a friend of Doug's from Erickson, and I am keeping the camp here in Obo up to date on Doug's progress... Tell him we think of him frequently and miss the "Damn near perfect" lead pilot around here... Tom Cunningham
