Doug's headaches were a thing of the past thanks to the medicine "Dr. Underwear" prescribed. He said the only side effect could be insomnia.
Then the hiccups started. They lasted anywhere from ten minutes to forty five minutes. Further research on the all knowing computer showed they also were a side effect to the medicine.
That was all it took to send me diving off the steep cliff I had been teetering on.
"You have the hiccups? Why do you have to have the hiccups? You can't sleep. You have the hiccups. This is not fair!" I ranted and raved and went on and on.
Doug looked at me like there were cats crawling out my ears. "I have cancer and you're worried about the hiccups?"
The next day our wonderful PA prescribed something to make the hiccups take a flying leap off my cliff. We continued to wait for the call from MD Anderson.
Waiting is never easy. But with cancer hanging over our heads, or in our head, it makes time pass like the pot watched waiting to boil. But it does pass and the saga continues.
MD Anderson did get back with us. They would be happy to see us on September 18th. Three weeks! Not totally acceptable in our little heads. That's when people who knew people came out of the wood work. Our PA called and attempted to speed up the process. She did get us moved to the top of the wait list. Really, who in their right minds would cancel an appointment at MD Anderson? My sister, the nurse, knew someone who works there. A third grade friend had a connection she was willing to try. Still we hit a hard brick wall. We would have to chew our nails for three more weeks.
The questions was "What do we do now?" The obvious answer was, "Have a nap." If you can't fix it or change it, why not sleep on it?
Doug is a ten minute napper. I, on the other hand, drift off into peaceful slumber for 20 minutes to three hours. It's always a mystery.
My eyes eased open after a restful nap with a cat at my feet, a cat at my knees, and a fur-ball snuggled under my neck. It was heaven! Doug was already up and about some where.
I discovered him in the office. He looked at me and pronounced "Pack your bags. We're going to Florida!"
Huh? Did we have a tornado while I was sleeping? Did the house fall on me? Was the Wicked Witch awaiting in the wings to torture me?
None of the above. Doug had been diligently working on other avenues of care. He phoned Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN. They would get back to him in two to three days. (Must be on the same sheet of music as MD Anderson.) He then proceeded to call Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, FL. They wanted him in four days.
We were off!
Neither Doug nor I are known for our speedy packing. However, in less than 20 hours we were motoring down the open road towards Florida. I squirmed in the passenger seat going over a list in my head. Cats have a sitter-check. Refrigerator cleaned of food-check. Cat outside had water and food-check. Underwear in suitcase-oh no! I would have to check that one when we stopped.
Jacksonville had other benefits than just Mayo Clinic. Doug's mother lives there. We have a warm bed to sleep in, food magically appears on the table, and we are pampered and spoiled in all manner of ways.
Our son, Robby, also goes to college there. I can finally meet my new grandcats. I can also check out the girlfriend. Some thing every mother wants to do. I'm surprised I haven't made a secret trip there already to try out my PI skills.
Less than twenty-four hours after arriving in Jacksonville Robby had us to his apartment for a home made dinner of spaghetti and chocolate eclair dessert. I found I loved my sleek beautiful grandcats and even approved of the girlfriend.
Now for a good night's sleep and a full day at Mayo Clinic. We were confident good news awaited us in the morning.
Pr. 15.30-Smiling faces make you happy, and good news makes you feel better.
Angie, I am so sorry you and Doug are having to go on this trek with cancer. I love how you are documenting the experience though. ...Funny and heart-warming at the same time. I really look forward to seeing you all in O.P.and/ or at Mayo. Thank God for our moms living close to top notch medical care! Pete is staying back in Albuquerque with Erikh (13) for my neuro evaluation at Mayo on 9/15, but they will join me when the neurosurgery is scheduled. This will be #13 for me. Sending warm hugs to you and Doug. I am lifting you both up in prayer often throughout the day. -Lisa
ReplyDeleteLisa, #13?! Yes, thank goodness there are wonderful doctors at Mayo. We look forward to seeing you again. You are in our prayers!