Doug's taste buds have taken a hike. We have searched under the bed, in the refrigerator, in the yard, in the neighbor's yard, but no taste buds to be found. I even searched Nicole's bag. Just in case. Most food is bland and cardboard tasting to him. We are offering a reward for the return of the misplaced taste buds. The reward is a double chocolate gooey filled cake topped with fluffy whipped cream and a cool cherry on top.

While searching for the long-lost taste buds we have discovered things in multiple places around the house. Hair! It appears the good doctor was correct. Doug is losing his hair. We find follicles of hair in the shower, on the pillow, hiding on the couch, even peeking out from his beard. I do not know how long it will take for all the strands to fall out. It is a massive head. If his hair suddenly decides wave a white flag and surrender all at once, his mom may be the proud owner of a new hairy carpet!
Thursday we showed up at Mayo for Doug's appointment with the Oncologist. Only to discover it had been changed to October 8th. Two weeks! We were stunned. The pathology from Des Moines and the one that Mayo took did not totally match. So they are doing more testing to make sure to have the correct formula for the chemo.
So we continue to wait. Doug seems to be a bit more symptomatic. He coughs a bit more. Is sometimes short winded. He feels as if the lung mass has grown. This waiting is going to have me pulling my hair out. We may end up back in Iowa with two naked heads!
Our relief this week was the arrival of Nicole. While she did not help me paint the kitchen ceiling (which I have not completed yet. Words to my mother-in-law: I will!!!) we passed the time playing board games, eating, and doing a lot of laughing.
We have lived in the Jacksonville area twice during our married life. It has been a source of comfort to attend our previous church. We have seen old friends and made new ones. Riverside Avenue Christian Church always was and still is a welcoming, homey, peaceful place.
The upside to this week for me was my grandcats. Robby bought some special wet food for them. I was allowed to give them just a small portion. He cautioned me not to give them too much or they would be plump like my Bo kitty. (He gets a bad rap. He is actually muscular!) They gobbled it down while I stroked their shiny coats. Then Mindy laid down with me for a nap. That is until Doug peeked his head around the corner. I could hear her thoughts; "Oh yeah. He's here too. I like him better." And off she went. Grandma will give them wet food no more!
Our week ends with Doug and I at loose ends for several days. What do we do? We go home, of course! Monday we will hop on a plane headed for home sweet Iowa. Stand by my sweet kitties. Mommy and Daddy are coming back!
Pr. 18.10-The Lord is like a strong tower, where the righteous can go and be safe. GNB